Flora Grubb Gardens Grand Opening Party

Our friends at Flora Grubb Gardens and Ritual Coffee Roasters  celebrated the completion of their new store at 1634 Jerrold Ave San Francisco, CA . Cyclecide was there with our pedal-powered midway and more…

[Check out Scott Beale’s photos.]

Posted on a Tue in February 2007f 2007 by Laird

Coachella 2007

 The Coachella web site has a video trailer that features Cyclofuge, Dizzy Toy, and Ferris Wheel…
oh-yea and Iggy Pop, The White Stripes, Bjork and some other acts too.

Cyclecide performed at the Coachella Valley Music and Art Festival and the Stagecoach Country Music Festival.


Photos on Flickr

Summer Burkes blog

If you have any photos or video you would like to share, send an email to presskit(at)cyclecide.com

Posted on a Sun in February 2007f 2007 by Laird

Club House Party

Thanks to all the bands that made our first party rock…

Mongolounge , Los Banos , and Waco


Saturday Feb. 17th 2007

Posted on a Mon in February 2007f 2007 by Laird