Edwardian World’s Faire 2012
Posted on a Thu in January 2012f 2012 by Laird
Last Days of DiscolandiaA Soul, Rhythm & Roots Dance Party Skins stretched over wood; horns made out of metal … cracking voices, clapping hands, shaking tambourines … funk recorded on reel-to-reel and pressed on wax … selected by smooth-talking turntable wizards wielding trunks full of treasures and an encyclopedic knowledge of sexy, rebellious, multi-cultural and yet decidedly American music. KUSF’s Harry Duncan, a.k.a. Harry D, has been holding down ‘In the Soul Kitchen’ on Tuesday nights from 7 to 9pm for the past 28 years. Who knows how many babies have been conceived on his musical watch. This self-proclaimed ‘”Man Behind The Mike With The Strong Stuff You Like” is the former manager/performer of the Meters, Ornette Coleman, Boz Scaggs, Irma Thomas, and Captain Beefheart, among others … and his record collection is vast as his segues are smooth. To listeners, simply put, Harry D’s KUSF show has become synonymous with “Take me to funk and soul school once a week.†Duncan’s late friend Bill Graham would be pleased to look down from Heaven and see Harry D stepping out of his Soul Kitchen these days to host rare-groove DJ sessions at the Fillmore, the Warfield, and Amoeba Records. Saturday, January 14, 2012 marks the most ambitious rent party Cyclecide has ever thrown for their new warehouse space. Your last chance to see a real DJ — someone who knows more about music than you will ever know — and to dance your ass off like Discolandia Records never closed. http:// ![]() |