- First, downlaod the ISO you want to start with (ftp.freebsd.org)
- Mount the ISO so you can 'see' inside it.
mdconfig -a -t vnode -f 6.1-RC2-i386-disc1.iso -u 0
mount_cd9660 /dev/md0 /mnt
- Prepare a spot to modify the ISO contents. (We are going to copy everything and then make a new ISO.)
mkdir 6.1-RC2-i386-custom
cd 6.1-RC2-i386-custom
rsync -a /mnt/ .
- Now, you need to edit the files that this CD will install. They live in the '6.1-RC2' folder. Or, the 7.1-RELEASE, or whatever version you downloaded. Figure it out. Anyhow, go into the 6.1-RC2/base directory.
Now, you need to make all the 'base.XX' files one big tar, untar it, edit, then retar.
# find the source, unpack it, delete it
cd 6.1-RC2/base
mkdir TEMP && cat base.?? | tar --unlink -xpzf - -C TEMP
rm base.??
# Go there (into the new ISO staging area)
# copy some handy files from your desktop to your new ISO staging area
cp /etc/localtime etc
cp /etc/ntp.conf etc
cp /root/.tcshrc root
# need these for cvsup!
cp /usr/src/*supfile usr/src/
# Having a good refuse will make youre CVSUPs run faster
mkdir usr/sup && cp /usr/sup/refuse usr/sup/
# You can also grab files off your website.
fetch -o etc/rc.conf http://www.monkeybrains.net/~rudy/freebsd/files/rc.conf
fetch -o etc/ntp.conf http://www.monkeybrains.net/~rudy/freebsd/files/ntp.conf
fetch -o etc/rc.firewall http://www.monkeybrains.net/~rudy/freebsd/files/rc.firewall
# the hext steps are advice from narcnad, thanks!
# Take note of the md5 sum and size of new file, you'll need this information later
# for example, edit etc/ttys change ttyd0 from dialup to vt100 from off to on
# run this command:
md5 etc/ttys
# the output will be something like this: MD5 (etc/ttys) = dc9a444ad37f8b15841d9aab068cd718
# finally, pack up the modified base install
tar -czf ../base.aa *
cd ..
# fix TEMP so that you can delete it, then delete it.
find TEMP/ -exec chflags noschg {} \; && rm -rf TEMP
# modify base.mtree to reflect your file additions and modifications using the notes taken on size and md5 checksum.
# get checksum of base.aa, note values
cksum base.aa
# Output is something like this: 2063703439 42557916 base.aa
# create fresh CHECKSUM.MD5 and CHECKSUM.SHA256 files
cat /dev/null > CHECKSUM.MD5
cat /dev/null > CHECKSUM.SHA256
md5 * | grep -v CHECKSUM > CHECKSUM.MD5
sha256 * | grep -v CHECKSUM > CHECKSUM.SHA256
# YOu are done! If you were modifing the base directory outside of the release directory, you need to sync
# your changes to the /path/to/releases/6.3-RELEASE/ or whereever...
- You modified the default install, terrific! Now, we need to button it all back up into an ISO file so we can burn a CD. (Or, you could run an FTP deamon and install over your network.)
cd ../.. (assuming you were still in the 'base' directory)
mkisofs -L -D -R -b boot/cdboot -no-emul-boot -o 6.1-RC2-i386-custom.iso 6.1-RC2-i386-custom
burncd -s 48 -f /dev/acd0 data 6.1-RC2-i386-custom.iso fixate