Random examples

HOW-TO Upgrade PostGres on FreeBSD

Some steps to take while upgrading your PostGres DataBase

Sun Mar 4 23:47:59 PST 2007

This specific example was an 8.0 -> 8.2 upgrade on FreebBSD 5.4
Notes: the dump from 8.0 was in SQL_ASCII while the default import in 8.2 is UTF8, this requires you to alter your ENCODING when reloading your dump.

# Get an idea of all the packages you need to upgrade.
# Basically, anything using PostGres will need to be rebuilt against
# the new client libraries you are about to install with the new server
pkg_info | grep postgres

# Get your dumps!  This step is important.
su -m pgsql '/usr/local/bin/pg_dumpall -c > fulldump.sql'

# stop postgreql
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql stop  (or whatever the name of the rc script)

# first update the client lib
pkg_delete postgresql-client-\*
cd /usr/ports/databases/postgresql82-client/  && make && make install clean

# backup your old server install for rollback ability! (run pkg_info to see your old version)
cd /tmp && pkg_create -b postgresql-server-8.0.0
# next the server (run pkg_info to see your old version)
pkg_delete postgresql-server-\*
cd /usr/ports/databases/postgresql82-server/  && make && make install clean

# next, upgrade the perl module
pkg_delete postgresql-plperl-\*
cd /usr/ports/databases/p5-postgresql-plperl/ && make && make install clean

# reinit the DB
mv /usr/local/pgsql/data /usr/local/pgsql/data-old
su pgsql -c "initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data"

# start the PostGres
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start  (or jsut postgresql depending on your system)

# switching to UTF8?  run it through recode.
pkg_add -r recode
cat fulldump.sql | recode iso-8859-1..u8 > fulldump.sql.recoded
perl -pi -e 's/SQL_ASCII/UTF8/'  fulldump.sql.recoded

# OR Maybe, you just want LATIN1... 
# you can skip the recode and just adjust the encoding
perl -pi -e 's/SQL_ASCII/ISO-8859-1/'  fulldump.sql

# load it up
cat fulldump.sql.recoded  | psql -U pgsql postgres
# OR if not doing UTF8... which you shouldn't unless
# you are doing non Latin based languages (eg Chinese)
cat fulldump.sql  | psql -U pgsql postgre

# make sure encodings worked...
psql -U pgsql --list
# neat, huh?

# copy your old access file
cat /usr/local/pgsql/data-old/pg_hba.conf > /usr/local/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
# move over you old config settings.... do this manually... here are your old ones:
grep -v # /usr/local/pgsql/data-old/postgresql.conf | grep -v ^$
# Now edit the new config file... using what you want from the old one.
vi usr/local/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf
# you may just lazily cp your old postgresql.conf file over... it may work...
# this is discouraged, because all the commneted out defaults may change from 
# version to version.

### optional, if you have a dev box... ###
# ON the backup server, migrate the data and rename the database to dev.
psql -U pgsql postgres

# on the web server upgrade  all the postgresql client libs
# (here is another way, different than above, for you to try)
[ -x /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade ] || pkg_add -r portupgrade
portupgrade postgresql-client-\*
portupgrade postgresql-plperl-\*
portupgrade php5-\*
portupgrade pear\*
portupgrade p5-DBD-Pg\* p5-DBI\*